Virtual Talk: Ensuring Just Transition to Clean Energy in India

Virtual Talk: Ensuring Just Transition to Clean Energy in India

12. Juli 2023 um 18:00 – 19:30
Online via Zoom

„To avert climate catastrophe, we must now radically switch to a sustainable, net-zero future. This transition needs to happen fast, but it also has to happen in a fair and inclusive way.“

We cordially invite you to a virtual talk as part of our event series „India’s role in (combating the) climate crisis“.
On 12 July, the focus will be on India’s path to clean energy.

Since the industrial revolution, fossil fuels have powered extraordinary growth and development, albeit with huge costs to our environment and climate. As a direct result, we are today in a climate emergency. To avert catastrophe, we must now radically switch to a sustainable, net-zero future. This transition needs to happen fast, but it also has to happen in a fair and inclusive way. If done right, the transition offers immense opportunities: systems change in which all communities, workers, and countries are lifted up (Ref. UNDP). Progress on research and technological advancements is unprecedented, however, there are indirect impacts and challenges, including transition to new Energy options, which need to be addressed very carefully. A Just Transition in general means greening the economy in a way that is as fair and inclusive as possible to everyone concerned, creating good opportunities, and leaving no one behind. Energy transitions are also directly related to people and society: the ones who make the decisions and the ones affected by those decisions. A „just transition“ approach ensures that the affected people are considered by those making decisions. Promisingly, momentum around “just transition” is gathering pace. We are seeing it emerge in the global dialogue around decarbonization and net zero. More countries are referencing it in their short and long-term climate plans. Partners are coming together, and coalitions are forming (Ref. UNDP).

Just Transition is even more important for India, being a developing Nation and also representing significant Global Population. The challenges of Climate Change in a way are adversely timed for India’s growth era and therefore Just Transition to Energy or Sustainability are complex in Indian context. In local sense, India’s energy transition should address not only those jobs and livelihoods which are dependent on Energy sector, however, human migration and regional bias for renewable energy should be minimized and Government is considering those aspects. The entire value chain needs a careful consideration to minimize energy transition impact, but our ambition should be to create new opportunities, which are very much possible for the simple fact, that India needs to add on new energy generation capacity, which can mostly come from RE sources and technologies, still maintaining fossil fuel-based energy share in midterm, and therefore not affecting those people economically dependent on conventional energy industry.  On Global consideration, easy access, and availability of RE technologies to India can make a difference. Any benefits to Indian population are simply translated to over one sixth of world population. Multiple efforts will be required in this direction and we shall discuss these.

About the Speaker:

Dr. Nitin Labhsetwar is currently working as a Chief Scientist & Head of Energy & Resource Management Division at CSIR-NEERI Nagpur. He is a Ph.D. in Chemistry with over 36 years of research experience in environmental and energy related research.

The talk will take place as an online event in English and participation is free.

Registration is necessary in advance: Therefore register right now and mark it in your calendar!





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