Virtual Talk: Clean Cooking Energy – Challenges and Way Forward
We cordially invite you all to our fifth virtual talk as a part of our talk series “India’s role in (combating) the climate crisis”. This week’s topic is Clean Cooking Energy: Challenges and Way forward. Through this talk, we are looking in to Sustainable development goals especially SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy.
In this talk we are going to focus on the often forgotten crisis of lack of access to clean cooking fuel which disproportionately impacts women and children because they carry the brunt of domestic tasks.
More than 2.5 billion people lack access to clean cooking facilities, relying instead on solid biomass, kerosene or coal as their primary cooking fuel. Household air pollution, mostly from cooking smoke, is linked to around 2.5 million premature deaths a year.
Use of solid fuels and inefficient cook stoves are among the major causes of indoor air pollution and health burden in third world countries. Recent years have seen extensive efforts in providing cleaner cooking fuel in India and many countries; however, it will take time, like any other energy transition. It is therefore important to continue efforts on providing economically viable cleaner cooking energy options including improved cook stoves before we completely switch to renewable clean cooking energy.
Join us in this interesting talk event and grab the opportunity to learn more about the ways of transition to the clean energy in India and other countries.
About the Speaker: Dr Nitin Labhsetwar is currently working as a Chief Scientist & Head of Energy & Resource Management Division at CSIR-NEERI Nagpur. He is a Ph.D. in Chemistry with over 36 years of research experience in environmental and energy related research.
The talk will take place as an online event in English and participation is free.
Registration is necessary in advance: Therefore register right now and mark it in your calendar!
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